Russ Lee

A to Z Biography / 26 June 2008

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Russ Lee

Tammy Official Writer
Adult Contemporary
Russ Lee
From The 700 Club - IN THE LINE OF FIRE
\"RussIn November 2003 and 2004, Russ had two life-changing ministry opportunities to visit and present concerts for soldiers deployed in Iraq. The experience reminded Russ of the great cost of freedom, both in a material and a spiritual sense. "When people are shedding blood and giving their lives for the sake of someone else, you can't help but parallel that with what Jesus Christ did for all of humanity," says Russ. He co-wrote "Live What I Believe" with Doug McKelvey who has a brother-in-law serving as a chaplain in the U.S. Army. When Russ heard that the date for their unit to come home was pushed back until after the Christmas holidays, Russ decided to make a trip to Iraq.

Security was tight and travelling to a country during wartime was dangerous. "We didn't have all the proper paperwork done in time when we made it on a plane," says Russ. Yet God walked them through customs in Kuwait at a time when security was high and when even diplomats were turned away. "All we had was an invitation from the U.S. Army and a letter from a commanding officer and not even a visa," says Russ. "But the whole time I had a peace that surpasses all understanding." So they waited and about thirty minutes later, a Kuwaiti official walked in and allowed them to pass.

\"RussRuss says morale among the soldiers was high even though imminent threats were everywhere. The route they took the day of arrival had been ambushed the day before at the same time. Russ was prepped to fire a weapon in case everyone around him went down and in case he needed to defend himself. "It was really intense, but God really protected us and surrounded us," he says. He says he was overwhelmed at their courage. "Here I was hoping to be an inspiration to them and they inspired me!"

Throughout his travels in Iraq, Russ had the opportunity to lead a Bible study with troops, visit military hospitals, pray with officers in Iraq and offer them words of encouragement. He also saw firsthand the results of several collaborative efforts between military chaplains and US churches that have benefited the Iraqi people, including the collection and distribution of school supplies for children and the establishment of health clinics across the country. On the third day there, a missile siren went off, meaning an RPG landed somewhere in the camp. "It reminded me that I was in the middle of a war zone," says Russ.

\"RussWhen Russ was five years old, he struggled with a severe stuttering problem. He recalls the frustration of wanting to say something and not being able to. One Sunday at their church, Russ' uncle, the preacher, called for those who needed prayer for healing. Russ went forward and after his uncle's prayer, his speech impediment was suddenly gone. When Russ was a teenager his mother was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder, a severe mental illness. Growing up, Russ longed for things to be normal and realized that things were different. Because they struggled financially, Russ felt that if they had more money, they would be happy. This desire for happiness caused Russ to look for ways to make money. He discovered he could do so by selling drugs and then found himself using them also. Though Russ was acquiring more, he still felt empty and desperate. "I felt like I was spending my whole life in pursuit of something," says Russ. One day Russ cried out to God as best he knew and asked the Lord to show him what he was missing. Two days later, a friend stopped by the house and asked him to come to church. Before the preacher could give the invitation, Russ, then 18, hurried down the aisle to give his life to the Lord.

When he's not travelling, Russ is home with Mary, his wife of 21 years, and their three children.


Pictures on Mantles: The Best of Russ Lee (2005)

Hear Those Bells (2004)

The Second Mile (2003)

Words In Time (2000)


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